Ardour Internship
Ardour Internship seeks to empower participants, qualifying them for jobs within the culinary industry ensuring a practical experience that will guide them in their search for a creative career path. We have partnered with AACT to be able to bring this opportunity to all Washoe county school district students.
The Goal
This internship is meant as a supplement to the formal culinary education students receive in the classroom. It’s main goal is to enhance the intern’s understanding of gastronomy by providing real-life experience and a connection with the local culinary industry and tastes. At the end of the internship, interns will work with the Ardour Chef to put together a one time Pop-Up restaurant. They will use their newly acquired knowledge to bring to life a unique dining experience.
This event will serve as a capstone project for the internship. This unpaid internship will take place in different restaurants in the Reno/Sparks area (restaurants pending). During their internship they will be part of the kitchen team serving as assistants to the main chef, following all of his instructions and guidelines. Students will be responsible for showing up on time, being respectful, following directions and making sure that they are putting to practice all their classroom knowledge. Students will also be responsible for completing a daily journal where they will answer different questions about their experience.
During their internship, Ardour’s chef will be their point of contact for any questions or concerns. Ardour’s chef will also visit students at their internship location at least once. Towards the end of internship all interns will get together with Ardour’s chef to start planning the Ardour Pop Up. The Ardour Pop Up will be the capstone project for all of the Adour interns. They will be responsible for creating a unique restaurant experience. The location of the Pop-Up will be determined towards the end of the internship. Future Kind will be responsible of organizing and promoting the event.
Benefits for Students
Career related experience
Gains practical knowledge
Opportunity to explore career avenues
Valuable work experience for their resumes
Potential to earn academic credit
Increased self confidence
Obtain references from co-workers
Benefits for Restaurants
Gain one additional kitchen assistant at no cost with few responsibilities.
Have your restaurant promoted by Future Kind
Help mold the future of Reno’s culinary scene
Help fill the educational gap needed in the local culinary industry.
For more information, please visit